Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weekend Wrap up

This past weekend started out with a photo shoot of these three sisters.  We went down to the beach and captured some great shots.

I shot a session with them earlier this year.  It was definitely awesome to be able to work with them again.

On Saturday, Christian had his soccer game.

His team played well and worked together to win their game.  

There is just something so incredibly fun about watching Christian play soccer.  

He's a pretty amazing kid.

Afterwards we went to watch Jer play flag football.  At the field where they play is this amazing playground.

Both of the kids had a great time playing on it.

Finally, on Sunday we hosted our first big Minute to Win it Family Game night.  We had a great turnout of teens and families who joined us for an awesome barbecue and an entertaining game night.  I took mostly video to share, but also got a few pictures.

All in all, it was a great weekend.

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