Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday Afternoon

Today I spent my Wednesday afternoon hanging out with these amazing kids. 

They all came together for our Pioneer Clubs Opening Day.  As I was preparing this afternoon, I wasn't sure what to expect.  As with any ministry, changes happen each year.  I set up 20 chairs assuming that they would easily accommodate the leaders and students that I was planning on.  

We ended up having 31 total, with leaders and students.  It was an exciting time as we sang songs, enjoyed activities, learned our new theme verse and played games.  We also had a snack time, which made me realize that I'll be investing a good amount of money just into the feeding of this group of hungry Pre-K through 2nd Graders.  We closed out our Opening Day with a prayer time.  It was so precious to hear these kids pray about the things that matter most to their hearts.  

I'm looking forward to this year.  I'm looking forward to my Wednesday afternoons, spent with such an awesome group.  I'm looking forward to the laughter and the silliness... along with hearing the questions and the hearts of these kids.  If you are local, and know of anyone who would like to join us for this club, please pass along an invitation.  Most of all, I'm looking forward to seeing how God uses this program to bring honor and glory to His work.


  1. So sad that I cannot be a part of it this year :( :( It looks like a great group though!!
    Amber Neftleberg

  2. We have a great group this year Amber and we will totally miss you!!! I was just talking about you the other day and telling people what an amazing job you did with the kids :) Love you and will see you tonight!!!
