I've realized lately that focusing on the bright side of things is so much better for me. Granted, it's easy to dwell on the bad side of things... the downside, the side of things that I have no control over. It's easy to complain, and to find others whose misery would love my company.
But I'm finding that when I dwell on the bad side of things, I'm just not happy and I'm pretty sure that others aren't happy when they are around me either.
So, I'm focusing on the bright side. The right and true side. The side that makes me smile because it makes me thankful. It puts into perspective the way that things really are.
Some of my bright side includes:
Jer having an amazing ankle appointment today. We got to see the surgeon that we love and he said that everything looks good. Which was so, so good to hear.
My kids have been home from school for the past few days. We've chilled and played with friends. And for the past few nights we've had awesome movie nights, which they absolutely adore.
I finally got to get back to the gym this week. It might seem like a small thing, but it's a big thing to me. It symbolizes that life is finding a new normal again. It's so stress relieving and so awesome to work hard and sweat and feel strong.
I had a beautiful afternoon with two amazing women. It was so good to talk and share and connect. God has blessed me with some amazing friends and I am so thankful for times spent together.
Jer and I had a Chipotle date this afternoon. Seriously, that place never gets old. It was delicious and amazing and I hope, hope, hope that they start up new branches closer to us soon!
Anyhow, that is a tiny bit of the bright side that I'm soaking up tonight. Hope that you find lots of bright sides to dwell on as well!
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